About BJ's Closet

BJ's Closet is a unique cross between a yard sale and consignment shop.  I sell used, like-new, and new merchandise including designer perfumes,  clothing, & skincare products, costume jewelry, house-wares, home décor, furniture & more.  Customers often remark about the quality of my merchandise and the reasonable prices.  But don't get me wrong, I also sell what I consider junk.  After all, "what is one man's junk is another man's treasure"  On this, I am the 50 cents queen.  Rarely will you find antiques, unless it is a consignment piece, because I am a collector too.

BJ's Closet Blog & Facebook Page showcases select merchandise available for purchase via local classified sites or occasional yard sale events.  You'll occasionally find a few fun facts about the junk (or treasure) that might be stacked up in your closets or cluttering up your house.



Contact me for product availability and before making online payments.

Pricing is based on quality, style, condition, rarity,  and how much sentiment is attached. Currently, BJ's Closet has an "inspect before you buy policy".  Therefore, all sales are final - no refunds.  Cash is the preferred payment method, but checks and credit/debit cards will be accepted on a case-by-case basis.

Located in NE Alabama,  I do not deliver or provide moving assistance.  These policies are subject to change in the future.


Effective January 3, 2017, BJ's Closet is no longer accepting consignment items until further notice.

About BJ

My love for yard sales, flea markets, and thrift stores started over 30 years ago.  I would buy an expensive suit or a piece of furniture at a high-end store, but buy my accessories at a thrift store --- thus stretching my wardrobe budget dollars.   About 20 years ago, I needed to supplement my income.   I opened up a flea market store and ran it for seven years on weekends while working at my regular job during the week.  And I loved it.

I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a hoarder because I'm a big proponent of recycling and re-purposing.  But when I came to the realization that my closet was looking like a stockroom and I had two houses full of stuff that I wouldn't need or use in this lifetime, I knew it was time to de-clutter.   I do my share of donating to charity, family, and friends.  But my entrepreneurial spirit kicked in last year, especially when my out-of-pocket medical expenses tripled from the previous year.  So I started yard-selling my clutter to earn extra cash.

BJ's Closet Online Thrift Store is the result of my need to earn money, traditional yard selling takes it toll on not-so-young bodies; and the desire to open up a second-hand store.  For now, the start-up costs of a brick and mortar store are too cost-prohibitive.  That is why I've decided to open an online thrift store instead.  BJ's Closet Online Thrift Store is actually an online yard sale, but since it is mine...I can name it what I want.  Right?

About BJ's Closet