Hokes Bluff High School Yearbooks Collection - The Eagle - Hokes Bluffs, Al ($250)

Hokes Bluff High School - The Eagle - yearbooks for the collector.  All yearbooks are used, in good condition.  Hardcover, some have cover wear and/or autographs; some do not.

Hard to find.  Average reprint cost - $100 per book.

Pricing for set based on recent price drop.  Price subject to change due to availability.   

Save an additional $15 if you purchase the entire collection today!

Last Updated: 10/18/2019
Count: 13 items

Originally Posted:  08/17/2017

Price / Book
Year(s) Available
2000’s $ 5
1990’s $10
1980’s $15
1970’s $20  $15 '70, '71, '72, '73, '74, ’75, ’77
1960’s $25  $20 '60, '61, '68, '69
1950’s $30  $25  '51, '52, '56, '57, '58,  '59

Individual purchase options are now available.   

Product Data -
Price : $ 250 Price Before : $ 330
Status : Used Save : $80
Ratings : ****
Weight : 32.5lb